Tuesday, 27 April 2010

Patrick day 1

Breakfast at this B&B ends 8.30 so Charles had to exert a huge effort to make the deadline (meanwhile Libby had already had a run). Thence a drive to Patrick's abode but it transpires that his postcode on the headed notepaper is incorrect, so we encounter a few circles before ending up at the Lodge.
John, in trademark jolly flowered shirt, greeted us and amazed us with the preparation he'd done - clearing up the studios, cleaning autonomous panels, locating old photographs and magazines, archival stuff etc etc - fantastic! Meanwhile the aged retainer (aka Patrick) arrived with a welcome tray of biscuits and coffee (a charismatic pot with the lid clinging on to life by a safety pin).
Following a quick recce, I determined that the morning priority was to set up the Library for tomorrow's shoot, find the relevant books, Charles to organise lighting, moves etc.
A brief disappearance for luncheon - for one thing we are both loners and revel in escaping the social whatsit and being able to just sit and discommunicate, and for another it allowed me to check the revised postcode (which worked). Lunches this week provided by Sound Bites, that well known location catering company (a spin off from Hare in the Gate and Pomegranate). John paying homage to Dame Edna?
In the afternoon we filmed and photographed autonomous panels until Patrick re-appeared at which point we interviewed him with selected panels - he is the most amazing speaker, so imaginative. And he's so funny - he covers his television set with a cloth to keep it quiet - like putting a cover on a parrot's cage! Patrick's main room above mit safely covered television right, and on a bench outside the eggs laid by Patrick's 'happy hens'
Had a cuppatea round the kitchen table and then retired to our Chard B&B. Turned out the only restaurant open was the one we tested yesterday so we bought ourselves a picnic which was rather fun.

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